Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tarique's Voice Team Assembled and is now Ready to Rock and Roll

Well the team has finally officially been assembled and I am pleased to announce that we are now fully staffed with some amazing individuals that have dedicated themselves to helping with this grass roots movement and getting “Tarique’s Voice” off the ground and running.

Tarique’s Voice now has 7 fully dedicated members and 2 teen advisers who will work diligently to get things up and running the way we have envisioned it to run.  We have had some very successful (brain-storming) session with lots of wonderful and exciting ideas thrown around.  I can honestly say I have lain in bed at night not able to sleep because I want to put every single idea in place.  The passion this team has to really educate about bullies and how to advocate for those who have been bullied really just blows me away and makes me feel truly blessed to have this wonderful team working with me.  

In the near future we will have some great programs in place to offer to our communities, schools and courts and are excited about getting out there and fighting this fight.  In the meantime we are hard at work with the beginning stages of building this organization and we appreciate all those volunteers who have stepped up and continue to step up in making this dream possible.  

Please share your stories, you are not alone!  If you would like for a member of “Tarique’s Voice” to contact you please inbox us and we will contact you right away.

Thank you so very much for all your support!
We will win this fight “One Bully at a Time”
Warmest Wishes
Beth’a and the Team

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