Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Friday, November 1, 2013

And the Revolution begins

Well it is official. With everyone's support and guidance I have managed in 1 day to create a Face book page which is already rolling along and a Blog which is all brand new ground for me.  But it is ground I am ready to travel, although at times I feel as if it is going to be very, very difficult I feel like I have no choice. 
When I found out I was going to have Tarique almost 13 year's ago we thought what a miracle I was not supposed to be able to have children any more. Then I found out I had Thyroid Cancer during my pregnancy and then he had Autism and it was just one blow after another year after year.
I always told Tarique "You know God gave you to me for a reason Tarique".  I really do believe even though we have suffered year after year it has lead us to be strong for this day, for this point in our lives.
Tarique has always said "I am to stupid to be anyone". He has no idea that with his voice this movement has started. With this voice he will save another child.   With his voice we are going to have a REVOLUTION FOR CHANGE!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tarique....Life is about to change darlin! I have known your Momma a real long time & I know she has the eatth, fire & wind in her Soul to fight for you. Put your seatbelts on Folks, its about to get real....
    Mess with a Momma Bears baby cubs & watch what happens;)
