Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Monday, November 11, 2013

Salmon Swimming up Stream

Over the past month “Tarique’s Voice” has been blessed with a small handful of professionals ranging from therapist, teachers, nurses, mental health professionals, community activist and a CEO all willing to band together and get this grassroots movement off the floor and running.  With this being said each individual has taken on a role that best fits their passion with this movement.  With all their help it allows me to focus more with my son and making sure that he moves on and grows with this experience.  

There will always be some individuals who dislike when there are others who stand up for what is right.  And when change is not popular in our society, it’s kind of like a salmon swimming against the current in away.  People are not always going to agree with what we are trying to accomplish and that’s OK because I am all about Free Speech but……

I have thought long and hard over the past few days what direction I want “Tarique’s Voice” to go.  I have also thought about how individuals somehow manage to bring up the night that my family would rather let go. While it is true that Tarique was a catalyst for this movement, that 1 night was simply the straw that broke the camel’s back. Tarique has suffered abuse from bullies for a number of years and with all those years of nothing happening we as his parent’s decided enough was enough.

We HAVE not talked about that ballgame night in weeks and have not said anything bad towards those children involved including my child.  At the end of the day children are children and it is our jobs as adult’s to protect them. I realize that Tarique has a ton of supporter’s and we are appreciative and the other children involved have the same.  So if we keep bringing up that night it will always go back and forth with nothing getting accomplished.  We should learn from our children something that all the kids involved have shown and that is “Character and Forgiveness”.  

While this page started with my child it does not just end with my child.  I personally don’t want to wait until a child is dead or kills someone else to be an advocate for this cause.  With that being said if there are post regarding the night of the ballgame or any of the children involved it will be DELETED.  It is time to move on and focus on the bigger picture and that is the issue of Bullies in general. 

This page is meant to Educate, Encourage and Support not bash and I just won’t tolerate it. I will not allow this page to be used to intimidate or hurt others.  If you don’t like what the page stands for or the individuals that support it then just move on we are OK with that and we appreciate the time you did take to visit.

To all those that continue to Educate, Encourage and Support us, we are so thankful and appreciate you standing up and helping to Eradicate the Bullies in our movement.

Beth’a and “Tarique’s Voice” team

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