Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Moving Forward and Growing Larger Just as Those Before Us Had!

One of the smartest things I have done in a long time was take one of "Tarique's Voice" administrators advice and I took a step back for a few days and really allowed for everything to sink in.

Over the past month times in this household have went from countless hours of crying then moment's of rage of what had and continues happening to not only my son but millions of others by the hour.

I have had so many wonderful individuals come forward to say "Yes this is a problem and we are supporting you".  My son was a catalyst to starting this movement, however I have had the opportunity to hear so many stories of victims and I realized that this movement MUST go forward and it MUST get bigger.

I began to become obsessed laying awake at night looking at the history over the past 100 years of bullies in our society.  Looking at those that start from early school age, adolescents and then work place bullies.  Bullies are not just particular individuals they can also come in the fashion of communities, corporations and even large societies.  It just boggles my mind on how twisted it can really be and then I began to think of all those Civil Rights Individuals and thought about the battles they endured in their time.

I thought about Rosa Parks "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement".

I thought about Martin Luther King J.R. an American clergyman, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. I have read over and over his "Dream Speech" and one part stands out to me more than another.

 I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Most children that are bullied feel as if they do not have a voice.  Too often no one listens to them because 9 times out of 10 there is some little bit of uniqueness that others would think is a little on the "weird" side.  Parent's do no step forward because they feel as if they have no hope to battle the system.  So the cycle continues and the victim later on becomes the victim bully.

Today is the day we take a stand!  Today is the day we are Pro-Active instead of Re-Active. Why must we wait until our children are gone before we help them. "Tarique's Voice" is in the works to grow and become that next Freedom Rider, the next leader into making sure that all our children create and perfect their character. Today is the day we give our children a "VOICE".

"Tarique's Voice" is meant to be a place that ANY-ONE can come and share their stories, suggestions or encouragement for all.  Change begins with a push and just as those literally hundreds  of year's before us pushed for change we must do the same in a non-violent way.  Grass roots movements are not always the easiest but real change never is.....

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