Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Monday, November 4, 2013

And a Friendship Begins.....

Today Tarique came home from school and asked if we could talk. He had told me that the boy involved had came up to him and told him that he was really sorry and asked Tarique if they could be friends. Tarique said he was sorry as well and that they both wanted to move on with this.
He went on to tell me that the boy stated that now people are being mean to him. Tarique said that he was really sad about this. When I asked him why he said the pain that I feel this boy now feels and I don't want that because now he is my friend and no one should feel that way.  He said the boy asked him to stop the FB page because he was being harassed by it. Tarique went on to tell him that it was his mom's page and he had nothing to do with it but would talk to his mom and he apologized to the boy.


I do NOT condone any harassment for any children including this young man that had an altercation with my son that night. I have never mentioned this child's name and nor will I ever. I am not sure how people knew who he was other than Perrysburg schools encouraging folks to look at the off the wall police report. 

Please people remember these are children, do they make mistakes yes they do, they all do. 
 Can we make this a teachable moment, yes we can.

We have said from the very beginning we DO NOT want these boys to be tar and feathered we want the community, the schools to address the issues of bullies in our schools.
I could have went online and said the boys names but what does that do for anyone?
Clearly this young man and Tarique are trying to learn from this and grow and develop a friendship or at least some understanding of one another.
I DO NOT want these kids to be harassed and I will not stand for that either! I will advocate on behalf of this young man as well.  THEY ARE CHILDREN!
Please note there are always 2 sides of a story and there is always different views.  I am not trying to make anyone a Saint nor a villain I am trying to bring light to a serious situation in our society.
It is not just Perrysburg schools that has this issue it is every where period.

If you are reading this and you are harassing this young man please think twice before you speak. Because instead of fighting against bullies you are in fact becoming the bully and this is not what Tarique's Voice is all about.

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