Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Thursday, December 18, 2014

It is a long and dark journey for those who suffer both Bullying behaviors and Mental Health

28% of students ages 12-18 report being bullied

It is a long and dark journey for those who suffer both from Bullying behaviors and Mental Illness.

When one ask what do I think is the most challenging issues of our time? I would have to say the safety and well-being of our children both in our schools, communities and home.  Times have changed so very much from when I was just a wee-thing growing up and it scares me to death for those young kids.  According to an article I read on the Safe Schools Health Students website, each  year millions of children and youth experience the humiliation and devastating effects of bullying.
It begins in early childhood around about the 3rd or 4th grade and continues through adolescence and beyond.  43% of teachers had reported with the National Educational Associations that bullying was a moderate or major problem at their elementary or secondary level schools.
Many who are not stopped and taught the proper ways to handle conflict go on to become work place bullies.The amount of violence and the way the bully carries out their behaviors has drastically increased and become even more dangerous than before.  The once viewed mentally of "boys will be boys" and "it is  a normal rite of passage", it is now seen as a deeply harmful and unacceptable behavior that has lasting  harmful effects and must be stopped and is 100% preventable.
Research indicates that bullying damages the physical, mental, emotional and behavioral health of it's victims.  Victims are not just the children that are the main targets for the bullies because all that are involved such as the child, the bystanders who witness and do nothing, the families involved they are all effected by the bullies actions.  It creates a climate of intense fear and disrespect for everyone involved.
The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights can include the following:
  • Lowered academic achievement and aspirations
  • Increased anxiety both in and out of school
  • Loss of self-esteem and confidence causing the child to be recluse 
  • Depression and post-traumatic stress requiring treatment
  • General deterioration in physical health because the child just doesn't care any longer
  • Self-harm and suicidal thinking or developing/carrying out the suicidal plan
  • Feelings of alienation in the school environment, including fear of other children
  • Absenteeism from school , failing school, not participating in class with others

    Those children who already suffer from a mental disability have a higher chance of being bullied and should be assisted quickly and compassionately.  If a mental health organization is already involved reach out to the agency/team and coordinate care so the child can feel safe and not ashamed when speaking of what is going on both in and out of school.

    Change Begins With One..... "One Bully at a Time"
    Much Love
    Beth'a, Tarique and Hanya

    #anti-bullying, #bully, #friendship, #friend, #smile, #teach, #love, #mom, #suicide, #suicideprovention, #mentalhealth, #teachers, #highschool, #juniorhigh, #meangirls, #bystander, #counselor, #forgiveness, #loving, #struggles, #autism, #autismawareness, #advocate, #advocacy, #social, #socialawareness, #socialwork, #socialworker, #thevoice, #voice, #children, #understanding, #tariques-voice, #onebullyatatime, #onevoice, #one, #computersafety, #online, #onlinesafety

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