Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Friendship comes from unexpected places

Every single day I am reminded that friendship comes from the most unexpected places at the most unexpected times.  This year has been such a blur to me at times and just when I feel like "Oh did I wake up again, I am reminded quite quickly  of the prayer I say to myself daily before I step out of my car and into work.  "God let them hear you through me, let them see you through me, let me make a difference in guiding someones life towards the right path and protect those who are wondering through life with no knowledge of what to do or where to go". 
Someone asked me the other day Beth'a why in the world do you pray every single time before you get out of your car? I work in Mental Health and sometimes to be honest it is not the most healthy nor safest place to be. But that is OK for me because that is where I am destined to be at this time in my life. I pray just in case.....you just never know.

At anyrate my point is, every day I am suprised by the people that I met and the strength that they have even though they are with totally nothing but hope in their lives.  Recently I was blessed to attend a conference in San Diego California. Without the generosity from my CEO Jennifer Moses I would never, I repeat never been able to attend that conference.  It meant so much to me to attend this conference and I was so bummed that I couldn't afford to go. Out of the blue I get an email that I was approved to go to this conference and all the details were already taken care of. Oh what a blessing I would say!  At this conference I met some amazing individuals, I was able to see sights that I would never have been able to see and I was connected with people that I would never have crossed paths with if I was not at this conference. To sum it all up the conference was life changing for me

I came home from this amazing trip and low and behold I get an email through Facebook from a young lady that I had been following her journey for awhile. I could feel her pain and cherished the way that she held her head up high and kept her daughter's memories alive. I was in awe how she was such a strong advocate for mental health, cyber bullying and suicide. My heart ached for the loss she suffered and I am brought back to the day I could have lost my son.

My point with this entire blog is that friendship blossoms in the most unexpected times in our lives. My son pulls strength from the courage this mother holds, from the loss of Amanda and from the advocacy that her mother Carol continues to march on with.  Carol and Amanda have touched so many lives and saved a ton of lives as well including my son. Shortly after my son feeling like he couldn't take it anymore he did a video just like Amanda (he had saw Amanda's and thought it was a great idea to get his point across).  Every since she has been a backbone for him and we are forever grateful.

Today, he received a wonderful and thoughtful package in the mail from Carol and he was on the moon. This woman continues to amaze me and we are so blessed to been graced with her friendship and encouragement.  I can't help but think that Amanda had a little to do with making our paths cross some way or some how!  And the blessings continue.

I say to you once and I say it often..............It starts with ONE! One friend, One smile, One hello can change a life.
Carol Todd you are this boy's Hero Young Lady

Change Begins With One..... "One Bully at a Time"
Much Love
Beth'a, Tarique and Hanya, Khalid

#anti-bullying, #bully, #friendship, #friend, #smile, #teach, #love, #mom, #suicide, #suicideprovention, #mentalhealth, #teachers, #highschool, #juniorhigh, #meangirls, #bystander, #counselor, #forgiveness, #loving, #struggles, #autism, #autismawareness, #advocate, #advocacy, #social, #socialawareness, #socialwork, #socialworker, #thevoice, #voice, #children, #understanding, #tariques-voice, #onebullyatatime, #onevoice, #one, #computersafety, #online, #onlinesafety

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