Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Prevalence of Bullying and the Severe Consequences

Bullying is such a severe and pervasive problem in our schools and communities now.  Times have changed and with the ease of social media at our finger tips at any second of the day the ease of being a bully has taken on a whole new meaning.

Despite the rise of bullying behaviors in schools and the attention it has gotten you would think that schools would give it more attention than it does. But the sad fact is that they don't. Even worse is the communities do not demand it.  We pay taxes, we send our children to school and think that once they are there they will be safe and receiving a wonderful education.  Schools do have a wide variety of resources at their hands to develop strategies to prevent and decrease bullying.  And the good news is that once the communities have started to rise up and demand it the school boards are putting that action into place.  They have become more open to allowing outside agencies come in and help develop programs or offer their services to the schools at either no cost or little cost. 

In order for schools to make a real advance against the fight in bullying behaviors they must be all feet in and willing to do whatever it takes.  The need to be part of a district-wide anti-bullying campaign that has the commitment of all their staff, students and their parents.  While some schools simply have a one time assembly "stating bullying is not tolerated" this is not acceptable.
There needs to be a comprehensive, multifaceted, wide-ranging program that addresses the school climate and culture.  This approach will ensure the best results and the greater chance and making sure kids are safer in their schools.
Clearly bullying is an issue that not only resides in the schools but it is in our communities, homes and work. 
Society must address this change and I leave you with this:
"If we are to reach real peace in the world, we shall have to begin with our children - Gandhi

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