Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Monday, August 4, 2014

Be a Friend, Receive a Friend the 5 Must Do's when it come's to a Bully

Everyone goes to school the first day and they think, Okay it is a new day and a new year, time for a fresh start.  But then you approach those same faces you tried your hardest to stay away from the year before.  And before you know it the day does not feel like a brand new day but yet more like Ground Hog Day!

Here are some 5 simple rules when it comes to a bully! Set the tone first and foremost at the start of the year.  Bullies tend to go towards the more meeker looking student's.  Those they feel they can target easy and continue to abuse throughout the year.

The old saying that there is safety in number's rings true!  I suggest that you be a friend and you will in return receive a friend.  Make a goal to at least meet 1 new friend a day.  If that is too much then aim for at least 1 new friend per week.  Mix it up a little and try to sit at different lunch tables throughout the week if you are allowed.  Hopefully you will have different locker neighbors so you are able to introduce yourself.  Make it a point to be friendly.  It is hard to pick on someone that everyone knows.

A Place to Educate, Encourage and Support

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