Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Is your Kid a Bully? What does it mean to be a bully?

What Is Bullying?
It's bullying if:
• One person is hurting or harming another with words or behavior.
• It is being done on purpose.
• The person being hurt has a hard time making it stop.
• The kids who are doing it have more power.*
*“Power” can mean the person bullying is older, bigger or stronger,
more popular, or there’s a group of kids who “gang up” on someone.

Bullying can be:

Physical: This one’s easy to recognize. This is when someone pushes, shoves, hits, kicks, bites, or otherwise hurts another kid’s body. It can also include taking or damaging someone else’s things.

Verbal: It’s really common because it is quick, direct, and easy to do.  Examples include teasing, name calling, threats, mean jokes, rumors, gossip, and saying things about someone that aren’t true.

Emotional: This type of bullying isn’t always obvious, but it can hurt a lot.  It hurts people on the inside and makes them feel bad about themselves.  Examples include leaving someone out on purpose, telling lies about  someone, and embarrassing somebody publicly. 

Cyberbullying: Using technology is the newest way to bully. Examples include sending mean text messages, posting videos, stories, or photos that make fun of someone, and spreading rumors online.

 A lot of kids describe bullying as, "When someone tries to make you feel bad about yourself.”

"They only have the power if you let them have the power"

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