Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summer time reach out

The summer is full of fun and exciting time for the kids who often in that last month of school count down the day on their calendar when they can escape those long hallways of dread.  But for some they know that the summer means long days of being alone with no one not even their parents who are often working long hours.
I saw this picture of a little girl and her dog along the water. It made me think of how some children only have that family dog, cat or even a pet fish to keep them company.  Some kids would rather be in those halls of "Dread" just so they had some sort of social action.  Not every one can afford the YMCA, summer camps or even transporation to a local playground.  Many won't go to a local playground out of fear that they might run into that one kid who just doesn't want them there.
Would it not be nice to have a "safe place" for them to go, hang out and speak to someone that is sharing the same feelings and desires as themselves?  A place they can go and participate in maybe Art class, gardening, yoga, cooking or other groups that they can just express themselves at the same time build on successful relationship skills, coping skills?  A place like no other that is for children that are bullied or want help for being a bully.  A place parents who can come together and have support groups.
During school if a kid is bullied they may or may not be able to go to their school counselor.  Studies show that many do not because they are afraid someone is going to see them doing it. And you know the old saying is: Snitches get stitches.  My goal is to have a "safe place" that kids can go and express themselves and participate in Mental Health programs to work on their inside feelings as well as assuring them that they are loved, people do care and they are worth something. Many do not feel that way.  Teachers don't always have time and if we can get the community involved this is going to make a huge difference.  Think about it.
If we dream it, it will happen I promise you.
It takes a Village to raise a child....

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