Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A look over the past 6 months here at Tarique's Voice

Over the past year since I started Tariques-Voice, I have encountered many sleepless nights, tears, self-doubt and anger with the more intense research and stories that were shared with me.
I started this organization because of the torment that my son Tarique had endured over and over.  We all can remember the anger that spilled over into my heart when the straw broke the camel's back that one late fall night my son laid in agony and pain over some poor choices of others.  Can I state that it was a hate crime or that it was plain and simple an assault maybe so....but as a social worker and as a mom taking it from my own son Tarique's book I choose to use the words "Poor Choices".  There were so many ways that night could have lead us down many paths. My son was the one who said "let's forgive, move on and create a SAFE PLACE others can come and get help. Mom a place they can know that others share the same thoughts, feelings and desires to help another".  My GOD a child that has been through hell and back is stating FORGIVENESS.  Even after what came to light of all the things that happened to him he said MOM FORGIVE and EDUCATE.

I have taken this road all by myself over the months. We are a simple family, a family that works hard for every single cent that comes into this house.  But with any amazing grass roots movement sacrifice must come from some where. My family was willing to cut back on that family outing, new clothes or whatever it took to be able to support the needs of Tarique's Voice and getting the word out there.  I even took on a second job, my husband 3 just so we could keep this going.

With that being said we are averaging approximately 100 views of the website a week, over 1692 views of the blog and numerous emails of support and stories that individuals have wanted to share.  Now while that might not sound like many please keep in mind 1 "ONE" is to many.  NO child should ever feel alone, no child should ever feel the need to cut, to do drugs, to take pills, to think of ways to die, to think of ways to kill, join a gang, prostitute to belong and have a family. NO child should be less than that living the life of a child.......

So when you go out and start your day please think of that.
Thank you all for your support and guidance as we continue you this journey.

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