Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Will the Bully Behavior's Ever End?

When is this ever going to end?  When will society step up and say "You know what we are sick of this and enough is just enough!".
Yet sadly another local child has committed suicide because of a Cyber Bully.  While some may say was her problems so bad that she felt she must kill herself, she was popular had lot's of things going for her.  On the other hand how could we ever seriously question something like that?  The hurt and the loneliness these children have no matter what form of bullying they are getting is just so wrong on so many levels.  My son personally is just now finding his way out of the dark hole of being bullied for so much.  This was because of some great friends that have stood up and said we accept you for who you are.  Think about those kids who do not have that support, who feel so alone as if they had no one to turn to.  It should never be this way.  A child should never feel alone there should always be some sort of social support rather it be a teacher, parent a friend that they should be able to go to.
I do find it odd that the community only picks up and says OK this must stop while the fire is hot but when the light dims down a little and the dust begins to settle you hear nothing more about supporting the fight against bully behaviors.  Just this week I received at work this Bully seminar training for Social Workers out of the need for the past local tragedy.  My question is why do we have to wait for a child to die?  Why are we not doing something to prevent this before it happens.  Why  are we not trying to save our children and others before they pass away.  All these children's voices need to be heard and let's stop this.  Words matter, actions matter let's make it happen and not just say "Oh this is such a shame" yes it is a shame let's make it happen......

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