Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Summer is fast approaching

It has been some time since I have been able to blog but finally I have a quick second to throw some information out there.
Summer is fast approaching and the kiddo's will be out and about playing until dark. This is the time to really just sit down with the kids and let them know the right way to handle conflict if it should arise.  Today in my group at work I am focusing on Conflict and "Good & Bad" teasing.  We all know kids get playing in the summer and they often forget that a simple joke might just hurt another child's feelings.  So if you were looking for a time to have a chat about this then now is the perfect time to do so.

We are also going to be sharing a booth with our friends from ASSE at the Oregon Fest which is held on May 18th so if you get a chance head out to see us. As always please continue to spread the word about Tarique's Voice and let's put a end to the bullies as we know them.

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