Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Saturday, January 25, 2014

We did it! We are live and starting the next step

We did it we are live in the life of the world wide web.  I have to admit I was very nervous when I stood there with my finger over the button, staring at the phrase blinking at me on the screen. "Publish, Publish, Publish".  On the other hand I could hear Andrea our CEO in my head telling me "take the website live already".
I just wanted it to be perfect and to the point. I wanted to get the message out there but yet part of me is such a perfectionist I felt like I just was not ready.  Then the other half of me pushed on and said "we gotta get the word out there, so hit the button already" and the rest is history.
After I hit the button I seriously felt like I just launched a rocket off into to space.  I realized at that very moment the War on the Bullies and their behaviors has just taken on a new life of it's own. This was now the real deal and there was no turning back. But do I want to turn back? I mean seriously do we even have that luxury to even begin to turn back and just stop the fight? Absolutely not! The wheels on this bus is just getting started and to think we are not even in full thrust yet. Every waking moment all I can think about is what new programs can we start, what schools can we approach, churches or community centers can we get our foot in the door to get this issue under our thumb.
I have heard and I have read some very disturbing stories over the past few months. Some say these kids are just to soft they need to buck up and deal with it. Kids are just to sensitive now days and well it just goes on and on. But I say to you, Have you turned on the news lately?  Have you seen what is going on all around us? Everyday we are seeing a school, a mall or other public place being shot up by someone who just had enough.  Kids committing suicide because they just can't take it any longer.  What is wrong with our society is that some folk feel it is OK to just turn a blind eye or blame the victims, when I am saying that we as a community need to stand up for not just the victim but for all involved.  Bullies are not born bullies so what can we do to change their way of thinking. How can we help them? I firmly believe that if we start with the source (bullies) and figure out what motivates them to behave the way they do we might have some small hope. 
Our children depend on us and I will not sit a second longer regretting the fact that I could have done something however chose not to.  This is my mission and I would not have it any other  way.
Here is to a wonderful journey in making  a difference. I can't wait to see what the future holds for Tarique's Voice.

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