Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Monday, August 4, 2014

Are you Gearing up for School yet?

Are you ready for the school year to start? I bet a lot of parent's including myself are beyond excited. However, there might be some kiddo's who are not all on board as of yet.  It might be because they don't want summer to end or that they don't want to endure another year of "prison" tortured by their bully either out in the open or on the down low. 
As a mother who knows first hand, I have spent my entire summer day in and day out preparing my son on how to behave appropriately if he is bullied again this year.  What steps he must take if it happens again to him or if he sees it happen to another student.  I have spent the entire summer preparing my son to be an UpStander this year around and to teach others to do the same.  I am so proud of the young advocate he has become and the countless hours of research both my daughter and my son has done to be better informed.
Parent's take the time sit with your kid's for at least 10 minutes and talk about what it means to be an UpStander and a ByStander.  We will be putting up tips for speaking with your kids and survey's such as"Is your kid a bully?" and "Is your child being bullied"?

Please send in all questions or concerns. We would love to hear from you.....

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