Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Friday, June 6, 2014

Oh the day just get's even better, maybe there is a little justice of hope

Oh the day just get's even better. So yesterday my husband and I decided to take a  little stroll through the downtown Perrysburg Farmer's Market. Nice little community event they have during the late spring, summer month's on Thursday from 3-8.  It is a lot of local vender's that come together to sell their produce and flowers or meals that they have produced.  At any rate, as my husband and I was getting out of the car there were a group of older individuals who were standing behind the car and one of the gentleman said BULLIES where are the bullies?  He asked me what Tarique's Voice was all about.  I went on to tell him who we were, how we came about and what Tarique's Voice meant to me and what my hopes and dreams for the organization were.  He went on to ask me if we had support groups for victims or parent's of victims and classes for the Bullies. Sort of how individuals are mandated to go to Domestic Violence classes or Parenting classes. I told him no because we are really on a shoe string and when I say shoe string I mean it budget. Everyone involved is volunteer's and some times it really is just a 1 woman show meaning just me.  My hopes were in the future to get this up and running because I really do believe it is needed. He asked me if we were registered with the state as a Non-Profit. I told him yes we are and he went on to tell me that once we are up and running full force let him know because he could refer a ton of folk this was a much needed services and gave me Kudo's for putting my heart into this.  This made me feel so good because there are times I just feel like I am a fish swimming against the current.  I see individuals starting companies, living their dreams and then there is me who struggles to make what is really needed to work. I feel as if I am David fighting Goliath and at times not getting any where in this never end fight.  This encounter with this group of individuals made me realize it is all worth it.  When I came to work and I see the pictures the kids from group drew for me and the links of knowledge they created after 8 weeks of group, I realize they did take in what I taught them and hopefully that little drop of knowledge is going to make some sort of difference in another life.  One day I will have some big-wig come to me and say "Hey I believe in you and I am going to invest in you" oh just one day that is going to happen but until then me and my shoe-string budget will keep plugging along beating the pavements and trying to make it happen.  Tarique's Voice will be something big I have to believe this.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer is here The year has went by so fast

Where oh where has the school year went?  This year for us personally has been a roller coaster of up and down's.  A majority of down's but we took them with stride and learned very valuable lessons from each one.  I have personally seen my son grow so much for his horrific experiences and with this I am able to hold my head up and actually sleep personally at night.  It show's me 2 things, 1 his self-esteem is climbing back up and , 2 I have not failed him as a parent.  Many times I would lay awake at night wishing that I could follow him around in school or better yet just put him in this little plastic bubble so no one could hurt him ever.  I only wanted him to see good things, experience the best things and always have a kind word come his way. But in reality is that true for anyone?  NO! 

While life is about learning hard lessons, bullies are in full force more than they ever were in my time or even just 10  year's ago.  It is crazy to think what these kids go through. I could not even begin to imagine or even think that I could survive in school as a teenage student because I am sure I would be one of those students shoved in the lockers, never picked for a game on the playground or maybe even sitting alone at the lunch table.  Times are tough and family life is not like it was before.

While I would love to believe that all families are tight like mine, or that most families value the dinner time to sit around the table and talk about (process) the day with each other.  But honestly who has time for that anymore? Most parent's are working 2 or more jobs just to keep a roof over their head and food in their bellies, this is just how the times are and it is really very sad.  I try my best to make sure that we have that dinner time if we have anything at all.  I tell  my kid's make no plans for Saturday because it is family reconnect day.  I say that as it is now 7 at night and I sit at work processing my late night Tuesday Anti-Bully group.

There is one thing that I have learned while teaching these groups that deep down these kids are all really good kids.  Most are from broken homes, not the best of role models or lacking role models.  They all are hungry for appreciation and attention.  They want a good feeling of self worth and they want to believe that one day they are going to be someone and really they will with the right guidance and assurance.  I look at these kids and I think "Please, please just remember 1 thing I taught you about respect, dignity and self worth, remember 1 thing I taught you about bullies and how to treat people the way you want to be treated."  While I know 99% of them do at the end of the 8 weeks they know there is someone who cares and believes in them and for them to look at me the last session and say Thank you for your kindness and thank you for believing in me makes my job oh so worth it.
I can only hope when they are faced with any of the situations I approached them with that they can take the tools I gave them and actually use them.
I was blessed for having those role models even though I was from a very poverty stricken area. I had  a mom who had an iron fist and a heart of gold. I had aunt's and uncles and extended family who taught me right from wrong. Most important in my time the neighborhood raised the children and you didn't forget it when the old woman down the street told you to do something you did it or your mom would find out about it and that was not a good thing.  You respected your classmates and  your teachers and in return you received the same.  Where did those times go and how can we get those back into our society.  This is my goal! 
Tarique has decided to join football, much to my worry.  He is just a wee little thing I think barely pushing 90 lbs at 5 foot 7 but he feels that this will be a way for him to belong.  He told me that football creates a brotherhood and he want's to be a part of that so I say CARRY ON! 

This year with all the heartache has created a wonderful Non-Profit organization that has had it's up and down's as well.  While running only on donations times have been tough and we have had to scale back only teaching those that I can directly get my hand's on at work.  This is a plus for working at a Mental Health Community Agency.  My goal has and always will be out in the community teaching the kids at the various schools and helping those that need the VOICE.  We are a small army but one that is willing to wade the storm no matter where it should be.  I see big things in the future for Tarique's Voice and I look forward to blogging more, getting the word out there more and really making a difference in our community.  With a small seed shall grow a large tree and we want to be that very TREE.  Please considering helping us out and making a small contribution to Tarique's Voice.org.  We are a registered Non-Profit organization with the state of Ohio and really could not keep doing the work we are doing with out your help.

Thank you for all your continued support.  Here is to a happy and healthy summer for all the kids.

Beth'a and all the staff at Tarique's Voice