Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Shout out to all those who serve our wonderful country

Over the past few days we have had a sudden urge in likes on our Tariques-Voice facebook page.  I was so excited yet could not figure out why it was much, not that I am complaining :)
I start to read all the wonderful and inspiring comments and realize that they came because of my oldest son who is a former Marine.  They always say once a Marine always a Marine this is so true.  They really came out in the masses to support this cause that we started a year ago and it has made a world of difference to not only my son but to many others that come to this page to ask for some support and guidance as well as educating themselves on how to handle issues that would arise in the schools or the communities.  There are a few kids that follow the page that have sent me private messages to tell me that they are so shocked that the Marines of all people would come out and stand up for them. My comments back were they fight for our freedom regardless of what and where we are.  All kids deserve to live, play and go to school free of fear and they believe in that as well.  That just thought that was so cool and excited to see this.
We have struggled for a year drumming up support although this is such a serious issue in our society today.  It is like America's Dirty Little Secret in part to the ignorant thought that kids will be kids and they just need to buck up. NO it is not like that, kids will not be like kids anymore times have changed.  Back in the 70-80's we did not have cops in the schools, metal detectors at the school door ways.  We had tornado and fire drills, not shooter in the building drills.  Come on folks when will we all get it.
So my rant could go on forever but I will leave it at that.  This post was supposed to be about the wonderful Marines and other Armed Services coming to the aid of Tariques-Voice and we are forever grateful.
Tarique has decided to do a video to  say thank you and encourage other kids to stand up and be the voice.  Watch for it, it's coming :)
Warmest Wishes
Beth'a, Tarique and the rest of the Tariques-Voice family