Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April is Autism Awareness Month

     It has been awhile since I have been able to blog for Tarique's Voice as much as I hate to say that!  Things for us have been rolling right along slowly but surely.  Numbers coming in for the website show about 10 visitors a day and we have been at a slow roll for new visitors on our Facebook page however we will continue to plug along and advocate.  On the bright side more and more folks locally are finding out about us and are interested in what Tarique's Voice has to offer.
     Starting this month we will be doing (4) 45 minute "bully educational"groups with the Zepf Center after school youth program.  After their educational group we will do a small survey and then follow up with the same groups at the end of their 8 week program.  I am so very excited about this and extremely grateful the Director has given us the opportunity to do this.  I have spent many hours looking at how mental health, school violence and bullies are linked together so this is a great opportunity for us to get in through the Mental Health doorways.  I look forward to being their point person when they are having issues with clients who have shown to either be a bully or a victim and providing education and support to those individuals.
     I am also excited with the possibility of getting Tarique's Voice into 2 local charter schools located in the Toledo area.  We are still working on this venture but it does look promising.  We have been asked to partner up with the local area representative for ASSE - International Foreign Exchange program, so the 3rd Sunday of May we will be sitting up a booth at the Oregon Fest located in Oregon, Ohio.  In May is also the area NAMI walk we are planning to hopefully get a team together and get out there and walk supporting NAMI and marketing Tarique's Voice at the same time.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to help in any way is appreciated and a great donation write off for the end of the year, not to mention great.....
     We are hoping to receive enough donations to market Tarique's Voice further and getting the word out there.  As you know we do NOT charge the school's or any other organization that request our help a cent for us to come out and help.  We operate totally on donations and other support's.  Currently on our wish list we are looking for help to purchase a large back window decal that will cover the entire back portion of the car window.  Supplies such as paper, pens, coloring pencils, crayons, glue sticks, construction paper, small prizes such as "stickers, pencils".  We are also in need with help covering the day to day cost of running the website and the phone lines which is very minimal but still a cost we have to pay.