Tarique's Voice

Tarique's Voice

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Surgery was a Success! Now we keep on moving with Forgiveness and Healing

Well if I have learned anything from this whole experience is to look at the strength of my own child and understand that Forgiveness is a great God given gift.

After all this child has been through year in and year out he still say's that he forgives those who had done this to him and that their actions were not actions of their own but something that they themselves have learned.  So I thought this saying from Nelson Mandela was just perfect.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Countdown for surgery time

Well it is almost that time. The light at the end of the tunnel is just about 9 weeks away.  Finally Tarique is scheduled for his ACL surgery and we were lucky enough to have a surgeon who understood the situation and fit us in to his schedule before the end of the year. 

Tarique is showing signs of major anxiety and luckily will be seeing his therapist the night before the surgery to discuss his fears.  The day after he found out he was having surgery, he slept from the moment he got home from school until the next day and he has been sleeping like that since he found out.

I am blessed to work with some wonderful doctor's who increased his medications for his anxiety. I think that also has something to do with all his sleeping but at least his anxiety has lessened.  It also appears that Tarique has started to make some friends at school and they have accepted him for all his little quirks and they are OK with that.  I think his some times "Autism-Odd" behaviors is what makes him really unique and I honestly hope that never changes.  He is adapting to being less socially awkward, but still struggling to understand what is "normal social behaviors" and what others would consider out right strange.  For him it is the other way around.  Those around him acting "Normal" is really not normal, and he is struggling to understand societies "right" way if there is even a right way to act......

On another note we are working around the clock to finalize our programs that will be in place the upcoming school year in a few hand picked charter schools in our neighboring county. We have some wonderful individuals who have offered to help with the website and my goal is to have it up and live before the end of the year.  Which means the time is clicking because Father Time is within arms reach.  Videos are in the works to go on the website and our team has met with some great kids who have shared some bully experiences with us and are willing to be featured on our new Anti-Bullying website.  I am so excited for what 2014 has to offer for Tarique's Voice.  I am often reminded that we can not change the world, until we change ourselves and I find myself counting a few seconds before I speak now in my own life.  Word's have such an impact on a person's life. Look at how Mandela made such an impact on people's lives. What if 1 person did good and it started a chain reaction how our lives can be changed. The possibilities are unlimited.

Until next time remember......  One Bully at a Time....We can make a difference.
Warmest Wishes